Meet your speaker:

Carley Nicholson

About Carley

Resilience in the modern world:Ā  tools to navigate uncertainty and stress


  • How to recharge your energy throughout the day for clarity and productivity
  • Strategies to improve your quality of sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed
  • How to calm a busy mind for focus and attention


Carleyā€™s personal mission is to help others to live a longer, happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. As a consultant and coach for The Resilience Institute she combines her passion for neuroscience and positive psychology, with qualifications in business and adult teaching.Ā  She thrives on empowering people with the skills, knowledge and practical tools they need to build resilience and thrive in the face of adversity, so they can show up as the best version of themselves.

Learn more about Carley at:Ā

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