Meet your speaker:

Jo Green

About Jo

Changing Your Relationship with Anxiety


  • Understanding anxiety
  • The root cause of anxiety
  • How to let go of anxiety


Anxiety is a normal human emotion, but the narrative is becoming that it is something that is wrong with us if we experience it. This workshop will help you to change your relationship with anxiety. From fearing it, to working with it to find more happiness freedom. You’ll also learn tools and ways to help you to start to step out of a place of fear and exhaustion and step into a place of calm and confidence.

Jo Green is a Certified Master Coach, Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Mindfulness Practitioner. She strongly believes that every single one of us can create anything we want in life; as humans, we can get caught up in unhelpful patterns of thoughts and behaviour.

Jo is on a mission to help as many people as possible to learn from, understand, and interact with their emotions to help them to find more happiness and freedom in their lives.


Learn more about Jo at:

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