Meet your speaker:

Sheryl Takayama


About Sheryl

How to conquer emotional eating to achieve your weight loss & health goals


Do you find yourself face-first in the food the minute your emotions get the better of you?

In this presentation, you will learn:

  • The phrase that will help you identify emotional eating immediately
  • Emotional hunger vs real hunger: how to tell the difference so you can take action
  • Sheryl's top strategies to deal with emotional eating:  So you can start making real changes to your health journey
  • The best food plan for weight control:  So even when you do have the urge to emotionally eat, you can do so without compromising your health

To lose weight and keep it off, you need to discover a way of eating (and dealing with emotions) that you are able to follow for life.  This presentation will show you what that looks like.  


Sheryl has worked as a weight loss coach in Auckland for the past 12 years but her passion for nutrition and weight mastery comes from her own journey of losing 30kgs and keeping it off for the past 23 years (as well as gaining and losing 40kgs of pregnancy weight.)

Sheryl has followed a low carb eating plan for the past 23 years and successfully quit sugar 10 years ago.  Her 1:1 coaching and online programmes help women lose weight as well as overcome emotional eating and sugar addiction.  She is also passionate about gut health and IBS management.

 Learn more about Sheryl at:

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