Meet your speaker:

Miri Friedman

About Miri

How to Sit in Silence With Ease


In today's busy and rushed world, it's easy to lose sight of yourself and get caught up in distractions all day long.

This presentation will help you discover:

  • How to practice meditation for maximum impact
  • Strategies you can use to get more comfortable with sitting in silence
  • How to give yourself a moment of stillness and connect with what's most important to YOU


About Women's Happiness Project:

Women's Happiness Project is for women who are ready to prioritise their health and well-being because they understand it's the only way to be able to careĀ for those around them.

It's about gettingĀ happy, healthy, vital, energised, excited, connected, inspired and satisfied within your body and in your life.

We are better together, and lift each other up.


Learn more aboutĀ Miri at:

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