Meet your speaker:

Jodie Williams

About Jodie

Perimenopause 101:  What you need to know if you are a woman (or if you know a woman) over 30


This presentation will include:

  • Understanding the hormonal changes that happen during perimenopause and how these can be the catalyst for the emotional, mental and physical changes you may experience.
  • Learn about the vast range of signs and symptoms that can be clues you are in the perimenopausal phase. You may be surprised!
  • Hear about some of the different treatment approaches available to reduce some of the uncomfortable effects of perimenopause. 

Jodie's passion for this topic comes from her own experiences with extreme fatigue, headaches, insomnia and brain fog that made her feel like she was getting early onset  alzheimers (spoiler alert:  she wasn’t,  it was perimenopause),  and seeing others throughout her years of clinical practice experiencing these and many other (sometimes debilitating) symptoms related to perimenopause. 

This has motivated Jodie to really understand what contributes to our mental, emotional and physical wellness during this time and how to help woman manage their symptoms and thrive.

Jodie uses her skills and experience as a Registered Nurse, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Naturopath, Graduate Hakomi Psychotherapy, and Mental Fitness Educator to provide a truly whole person approach to emotional, mental and physical health.


Learn more about Jodie at:

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