Meet your speaker:

Daryl Gove

About Daryl

Wine Down:  Effortless Alcohol Reduction for Enhanced Well-Being


  • Why it’s hard to cut down: Find peace and self-acceptance by learning why it's common to use alcohol as a coping mechanism in tough times, and understanding why it has been hard to cut down
  • Benefits of alcohol reduction: Get a preview of how great you will feel once you reduce the amount of alcohol in your life by understanding the physical, mental, and emotional consequences of cutting back.
  • Practical and proven alcohol reduction strategies:  Receive practical tools and strategies that you can put in place right away to reduce your dependence or desire for alcohol.


With over 20 years of experience in the complementary and alternative medicine industry, Daryl Gove is a highly esteemed Scottish naturopath, medical herbalist, and hypnotherapy trainer. He is deeply committed to developing educational programs for therapists, focusing on specialised subjects such as medical hypnosis, trauma work with children, and addiction support. 

Daryl's expertise extends beyond his therapeutic training. He is a co-author of 'The Vita Method,' a groundbreaking approach to relieving back pain, and the co-creator of the renowned 'Wine Down' alcohol reduction program. His passion lies in empowering individuals to care for their minds and bodies, enabling them to lead thriving lives. 

 Learn more about Daryl at:

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